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Mrs. Hooper Ms. Fox
There's no perfect answer; you will need a mix of high-quality sources that provide evidence and arguments that will help you answer your research question. For a 5-7 page paper you will have a minimum of 6-8 sources, but you may need more, depending on your topic. Here is an example of a well-rounded bibliography for a paper of this size:
Search for books, ebooks, and movies available through the St. George's library and the public library system in the Ocean State Libraries catalog:
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Locate books, ebooks, audiobooks, and movies at St. George's Library and other public libraries in Rhode Island.
Not finding what you need in the library collection? Try these ebook resources:
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Search and read high-quality academic and scholarly ebooks across all subjects. Includes over 140,000 full-text ebooks with the option to download chapters or entire books.
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JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million scholarly and primary sources in 75 disciplines, particularly the humanities and social sciences, with academic journal articles, books, primary sources, and images.
Why search here?
Provides access to multidisciplinary subject coverage through scholarly journals, ebooks, and professional and popular publications in the sciences, humanities, arts, and cultural studies.
Not sure if your article is a good source?
Stop. Ask yourself whether you know and trust the website or the source of the information.
Investigate the source. Research the publisher/creator of the website. What can you find out? Does the publisher have a Wikipedia page? Research the author. What can you find out?
Find better or other coverage. Search other databases and websites to see if you can verify the information or find more detailed coverage.
Trace back to sources. Find the original source and context. Does having the original source give you a different perspective of the information presented?